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Cowan Community School Corporation

Transfer Students

Applications for transfer during the 2023-24 school year are not longer being accepted. Applications are now being accepted for the 2024-25 school year.

Digital Transfer Application for the 2024-25 School Year

Download Transfer Application for the 2024-25 School Year


Anticipated openings for 2024-25 School Year



Grade 1


Grade 2


Grade 3


Grade 4


Grade 5


Grade 6


Grade 7


Grade 8


Grade 9


Grade 10


Grade 11


Grade 12


*Additional students could be allowed if additional staff is approved or if current enrollment unexpectedly decreases.

A transfer student is one whose legal settlement is not within the boundaries of the Cowan Community School Corporation.  Cowan has accepted many transfer students over the years and intends to continue on a limited basis.

Requests by parents, guardians, or custodians of Indiana students who do not reside in the Cowan Community School Corporation but who wish to enroll their child in the school corporation will be considered for enrollment under the following conditions:


1. A student requesting transfer shall complete the Application for Transfer of Non-Resident Student and submit it to the correct school building or the Cowan Community School Corporation Superintendent’s Office.  All Kindergarten applications received prior to 3:00pm, Wednesday, April 17, 2024 will be eligible for a lottery draw (if needed) during the school board meeting on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 6:00pm.  All Grade 1-12 applications received prior to Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 3:00pm will be eligible for a lottery draw (if needed) during the school board meeting on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 6:00pm.  Transfer applications will continue to be accepted and considered on a space available basis until the start of the second semester.  The superintendent may grant transfers if all openings are not filled or if new openings should occur.  Applications received after January 31, 2025 will be considered for the 2025-2026 school year.


2. The parent, guardian, custodian, or student agrees to provide his/her own transportation to and from the school.


3. Capacity for each grade level in each building as determined annually by the Board of School Trustees will be a consideration as to whether the student will be admitted or a random drawing will be necessary to determine who will be accepted. Capacity for Kindergarten will be determined in the April 3, 2024 School Board Meeting.  Capacity for Grades 1-12 will be determined during the May 2, 2024 School Board Meeting.  A random drawing will take place in a public meeting when the number of eligible transfer applicants exceeds the capacity of that grade level. If a public meeting is necessary, it will be held during the school board meetings mentioned above and will be held at Cowan Community Schools Administrative Offices at 9401 S. Nottingham Street, Muncie, Indiana.  Applicants are invited but are not required to be present.  Those granted transfers at the meeting will be notified.  When determining capacity, space needed for resident students, current transfer students, members of households with current students, and employees’ children will be taken into consideration first.


4.  If a public drawing is held, alternates will be drawn in case additional openings become available due to students leaving or additional teachers are hired. 


5.  Openings filled after alternates are used, will be approved according to the time and date that the application was submitted, so it is highly suggested to complete applications as quickly as possible if you are applying AFTER the date of the lottery.


Under no circumstances will a transfer student be accepted primarily for athletic reasons.


The building principal and superintendent may deny a transfer request based on one or more of the following criteria:


(1) The student has been suspended or expelled during the twelve (12) months preceding this request:

     A. for ten (10) or more school days;

     B. for a violation under IC 20-33-8-16
     (possession of firearm, destructive device, or deadly weapon);

     C. for causing physical injury to a student, a school employee, or a visitor to the school; or

     D. for a violation of a school corporation’s drug or alcohol rules; or


(2) the student has had a history of unexcused absences and the principal believes that attendance would be a problem for the student if the student is enrolled.


Students transferring to this Corporation from other schools or school corporations shall be placed in those classes or at those grade levels for which their previous educational experiences appear to qualify them. The School Corporation reserves the right to change or modify such placements on the basis of later information, testing, or investigation.



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