Class Policies

Class Policies

1. Homework - I provide time in class for students to complete most required work. Any assignment not completed in class is due the following day as homework. Students are expected to study for tests and quizzes at home.

2. Late Homework - Each student receives one “free” late assignment for each quarter. In other words, a student may have one late assignment and not be penalized. After the first late assignment, it is our policy to reduce the grade as follows. First Quarter 10% reduction, 2nd Quarter 20% reduction, 3rd Quarter 30% reduction and 4th Quarter 40% reduction.

3. Cheating - Any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and a phone call home. This includes homework, tests, and quizzes. Cheating includes copying or allowing another student to copy.

4. BOSS - Each student has a BOSS - Book Of Super Science. It is the composition book which contains their Science notes. This will be the primary source of information to be studied for quizzes and tests.

Please refer to the CES Student Handbook for a complete list of school policies.